Atlence Click'n Study product details
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Overview of Atlence Click'n Study
Atlence Click'n Study is a Windows® software to quickly create quizzes and original multimedia games as stand-alone executable files, Web pages or on paper (with or without correction), without any programming thank to its fully graphical, intuitive and user-friendly interface: the creation of quizzes and tests is done using only the mouse, with a few clicks!
Through various diffusion methods (self-executable files, Web pages, and so on), you can distribute your quizzes to your friends/colleagues/students or in your website!
A simple and intuitive interface
The user interface of Atlence Click'n Study uses the principle of a spreadsheet. You enter your questions in one column and the corresponding answers in another one. |
Teachers will appreciate its user-friendly interface which allows the user to easily create multimedia quizzes. Indeed, it is very easy to insert video files (AVI format), sound files (WAV format), music (MID format) and pictures (JPEG, GIF and BMP formats). In addition, you can format the text, such as changing the font colors, size, style (bold, italic) and so on. The quizzes you can create are therefore more attractive for students. |

The interface allows you to insert special characters anywhere, included those not available on the keyboard. These characters are grouped by categories: mathematics, Greek, International (for accents), and so on. Thus, the quizzes on foreign languages or science will be fully feasible! |

To improve the clarity of your questionnaire, you can change the names of the headers of the columns. |
Different ways of learning
Once you have entered the questions and answers, it is possible to launch an exam or a game. It is displayed as a wizard in order to attract both novices and more experienced users. |
Four types of exams and 2 games, with different difficulty levels, are available to test your own knowledge or people's knowledge (students for example). |
A 'Training mode' can be selected before starting the exam to know if you have answered the question correctly before moving to the next one. It is even possible to insert teaching comments that will appear when the given answer is wrong. These comments can be a part of a lesson that explains why the given answer is wrong. |
Other options can be selected to launch exams in real conditions: limited time, number of questions, and so on. Moreover, it is possible to reverse the questions, essential for learning a language for example. |
A tolerance of answers can also be defined, essential for quizzes on language! Thus, it is possible to ignore or not accents, punctuation, case and so on. |
All users' results are saved and stored in the Results Management module. This program display the details of the results and is automatically populated when an exam is performed in Atlence Click'n Study or in an exam compiled into a standalone executable file. Some Options allow you to print a histogram that displays the evolution of a student on a specific quiz, display details of the given answers and the expected ones. |
Network features
The program has several network. Atlence Click'n Study can replace the conventional written tests! Indeed, the tests performed on networked computers can be saved on a single computer, for example not available to students but accessible to teachers. By using the module Results Management included with Atlence Click'n Study, Teachers can view the results of each student sort them by score or date, print histograms, the list of scores and so on. |
It is also possible to receive by email the results got by a user from an executable file. |
Teachers will save time (no longer need to correct exams). Students will appreciate the attractive way to learn and be assessed. |
Several examples and a complete online help
Atlence Click'n Study is provided with many examples, from simple to more complicated ones, which demonstrate all the program's features. |
Furthermore, a help is available in each dialog box of the program and thanks to the tutorials included in this help, you will learn quickly to create multimedia quizzes in just minutes and few mouse clicks. |
Some Tips can be automatically displayed at the program startup to learn how to use it. |
Different ways to distribute your quizzes
Once your quiz is created, you can distribute it by different ways:
- As Web pages,
- In a standalone executable file,
- On paper with several printing options
- By email.
Practical and attractive features
In addition to the features described above, Atlence Click'n Study has many other options:
- Any other options allow you to repair the program: shortcuts, file association, and so on.
- A tool checks for available updates
- Atlence Click'n Study is integrated with Windows Explorer: click on a file created with Atlence Click'n Study and compile it instantly, quickly print a quiz and so on.
Find out Atlence Click'n Study by screenshots and videos
Minimal system requirements for Atlence Click'n Study
Major new features in version 1.6
- Supports Windows® Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (both 32- and 64-bit)
- New simplified setup program
- New module Click'n Study Launcher, which includes all the tools installed and provides access to recently modified quizzes
- Modernization of the favorites management module and the quick launch icon displayed in the Windows notification area