Quizzes for download on cinema, movies, films, actors 
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* Cinema and television 7 quizzes on this category

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Actors and dates of birth by Newsdreams on 05/03/2002

Find the date of birth of a hundred international actors.
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CinecinyQuizz by Newsdreams on 16/02/2002

Find the name of a hundred film directors.
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Friends - Season 1 by Morgane DUBAËLE-LE BIHAN on 29/12/2011

You rub shoulders with them for more than 10 years over a coffee at Central Park. But do you really know well the American sitcom Friends?
Test your knowledge about the season 1.
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Friends - Season 2 by Morgane DUBAËLE-LE BIHAN on 02/01/2012

You rub shoulders with them for more than 10 years over a coffee at Central Park. But do you really know well the American sitcom Friends?
Test your knowledge about the season 2.
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Film scores by Jérôme SCHERTZER on 16/07/2002

Match movies with their respective background music.
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Movie titles (HTML) by Martin SMITH on 01/09/2002

Find movie titles sorted by genre.
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ER - TV serie

Quiz on the series ER: test your knowledge!
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Top of the week

  1. IT definitions and acronyms
    Downloaded 8 times
  2. Ancient history dates
    Downloaded 8 times
  3. Music of Brittany
    Downloaded 8 times
  4. EspañaQuizz
    Downloaded 8 times
  5. MTC eaman
    Downloaded 7 times
  6. Angles - Vocabulary
    Downloaded 7 times
  7. Order of operations
    Downloaded 7 times
  8. M.C.Q. general knowledge
    Downloaded 7 times
  9. English Basis Quiz
    Downloaded 7 times
  10. Computer science quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 7 times

What's new?

Top downloads

  1. M.C.Q. general knowledge
    Downloaded 54230 times
  2. Computer science exan level 1
    Downloaded 25484 times
  3. 10 questions on computer science
    Downloaded 15627 times
  4. Capitals of the World Quiz
    Downloaded 14682 times
  5. Computer science quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 14040 times
  6. English irregular verbs
    Downloaded 12907 times
  7. Highway code
    Downloaded 12304 times
  8. Anatomy - Generality
    Downloaded 11054 times
  9. The Second World War (WWII) Timeline
    Downloaded 10935 times
  10. Internet quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 10761 times

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