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Quizzes published by Christian AUBRY
2 quizzes

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Addition and subtraction by Christian AUBRY on 11/10/2001

Dozens of additions and subtractions to learn to count.
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Conjugation of French auxiliary verbs ETRE and AVOIR by Christian AUBRY on 11/10/2001

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Top of the week

  1. Phase 16
    Downloaded 14 times
  2. Dentures
    Downloaded 12 times
  3. Maxime's Quiz
    Downloaded 12 times
  4. Computer And You
    Downloaded 11 times
  5. MTC eaman
    Downloaded 11 times
  6. Video games 2 (HTML)
    Downloaded 11 times
  7. Weight and mass
    Downloaded 10 times
  8. The Language of Flowers
    Downloaded 10 times
  9. LINUX commands
    Downloaded 10 times
  10. All about F1 racing
    Downloaded 10 times

What's new?

Top downloads

  1. M.C.Q. general knowledge
    Downloaded 54084 times
  2. Computer science exan level 1
    Downloaded 25347 times
  3. 10 questions on computer science
    Downloaded 15500 times
  4. Capitals of the World Quiz
    Downloaded 14530 times
  5. Computer science quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 13904 times
  6. English irregular verbs
    Downloaded 12773 times
  7. Highway code
    Downloaded 12170 times
  8. Anatomy - Generality
    Downloaded 10920 times
  9. The Second World War (WWII) Timeline
    Downloaded 10802 times
  10. Internet quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 10615 times

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