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Quizzes published by IUT-informatique TOULOUSE
2 quizzes

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Computer memories (HTML) by IUT-informatique TOULOUSE on 13/10/2002

Hangman game on terms related to computer memory.
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Basic computer terms (HTML) by IUT-informatique TOULOUSE on 13/10/2002

Translate into French common terms used in computer science.
To use this quiz, unzip all files and run the start.htm file.
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Top of the week

  1. IT definitions and acronyms
    Downloaded 10 times
  2. English Basis Quiz
    Downloaded 10 times
  3. Weight and mass
    Downloaded 8 times
  4. Conjugation of French auxiliary verbs ETRE and AVOIR
    Downloaded 8 times
  5. All about F1 racing III
    Downloaded 7 times
  6. Programming language
    Downloaded 6 times
  7. Friends - Season 1
    Downloaded 6 times
  8. Anatomy - Generality
    Downloaded 6 times
  9. Resistor values 3.0
    Downloaded 6 times
  10. Ancient history dates
    Downloaded 5 times

What's new?

Top downloads

  1. M.C.Q. general knowledge
    Downloaded 54179 times
  2. Computer science exan level 1
    Downloaded 25429 times
  3. 10 questions on computer science
    Downloaded 15585 times
  4. Capitals of the World Quiz
    Downloaded 14630 times
  5. Computer science quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 13991 times
  6. English irregular verbs
    Downloaded 12858 times
  7. Highway code
    Downloaded 12260 times
  8. Anatomy - Generality
    Downloaded 11004 times
  9. The Second World War (WWII) Timeline
    Downloaded 10888 times
  10. Internet quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 10711 times

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