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Quizzes published by Martin SMITH
5 quizzes

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Hits singers (HTML) by Martin SMITH on 01/09/2002

Find singers of hits.
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Video games 1 (HTML) by Martin SMITH on 01/09/2002

Match the name of the video games with their genre.
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Video games 2 (HTML) by Martin SMITH on 01/09/2002

Match the name of the video games with their genre.
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Books (HTML) by Martin SMITH on 01/09/2002

Find the name of a work from its author.
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Movie titles (HTML) by Martin SMITH on 01/09/2002

Find movie titles sorted by genre.
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Top of the week

  1. Celebrities in the IT World
    Downloaded 8 times
  2. Percentages
    Downloaded 7 times
  3. Weapons of Knights
    Downloaded 7 times
  4. Ancient history dates
    Downloaded 6 times
  5. Friends - Season 2
    Downloaded 6 times
  6. Verb Preposition 1
    Downloaded 6 times
  7. Highway code
    Downloaded 6 times
  8. English Basis Quiz
    Downloaded 6 times
  9. The Language of Flowers
    Downloaded 6 times
  10. Greek Gods
    Downloaded 6 times

What's new?

Top downloads

  1. M.C.Q. general knowledge
    Downloaded 54212 times
  2. Computer science exan level 1
    Downloaded 25462 times
  3. 10 questions on computer science
    Downloaded 15616 times
  4. Capitals of the World Quiz
    Downloaded 14669 times
  5. Computer science quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 14024 times
  6. English irregular verbs
    Downloaded 12893 times
  7. Highway code
    Downloaded 12292 times
  8. Anatomy - Generality
    Downloaded 11038 times
  9. The Second World War (WWII) Timeline
    Downloaded 10918 times
  10. Internet quiz for junior secondary school
    Downloaded 10746 times

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