Combine several quizzes into a single one 
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Combine several quizzes into a single one



You have created or downloaded quizzes on many subjects (history, geography, mathematics, and so on). You can merge these quizzes into a single one. So, Atlence Click'n Study will test you on all subjects!


  1. Create a new quiz.
    • Click on the File (Fichier) menu and then New (Nouveau)

      Creation of a new quiz in Atlence Click'n Study

    • Type the name of the new quiz, specify its location and then click OK.

      Name of the quiz to create

  2. Click again the File (Fichier) menu and then Import (Importer).

    Import command from the File menu

  3. Select the quiz to be imported (and merged)

    Selection of the quiz to be imported

  4. Click on the Topics (Thèmes) menu: the topics and questions from the imported quiz have been inserted, merged into the new quiz.

    Merging two quizzes

Repeat these steps to insert new questions contained in other files.

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